1.The contest is open to musicians of both sexes and of all nationalities. Its aims are improving the knowledge of wind instruments, promoting and giving an opportunity to young instrumentalists and, at the same time, enhance the artistic and cultural heritage of the places hosting the competition.

2. The contest will take place in Carlino from the 24th to the 27th October 2024. The auditions will be held at the Auditorium of the parish church of SS. Tommaso and Protasio in Carlino. The rehearsals with the pianists collaborating to the contest will be at the Civic Centre in Carlino in Via Marano 1.

3. The categories and the tests in which the contest is organized are the following:


Clarinet Soloist “Junior A”:  born after 1/1/2008
Programme: Single Test
The applicant will have to perform a freely chosen programme lasting no longer than 13 minutes.
Admitted only original pieces. The programme will have to be stated in the application form.

Clarinet Soloist “Junior B”: born after 1/1/2004
Programme: Selection – Final

Selection phase: play following piece
– C. M. von Weber, Concertino op. 26 for Clarinet and Orchestra

Final phase:
The applicant will have to perform a freely chosen programme lasting no longer than 15 minutes. Admitted only original pieces. The programme will have to be stated in the application form.

Clarinet Soloist “Senior”: born after 1/1/1994
Programme: Selection – Semifinal – Final

Selection phase: play following piece
– C. M. von Weber              Concerto n.1 op.73 in f minor for Clarinet and Orchestra (only 1st movement)

Semifinal phase:
a – Performance of one among the following pieces at choice:
– C. M. von Weber               Concerto n°2 op. 74 in Mib Maggiore per Clarinetto ed Orchestra (only 1st movement)
– L. Spohr                             Concerto n°2 op. 57 in Mib Maggiore per Clarinetto ed Orchestra (only 1st movement)
– A. Copland                Concerto per clarinetto e orchestra, up to the cadence ( n. 120)
– C. Nielsen                 Concerto op. 57 per clarinetto e orchestra, up to the cadence (n. 11 )

b – Performance of following piece:
–  C. Debussy           Première Rhapsodie

c – Performance of following piece for Solo Clarinet:
– I. Stravinsky  Tre Pezzi

Final phase:
a – Performance of following piece:
– W. A. Mozart       Quintetto in La Maggiore KV 581 for Clarinet and String Quartet.

Bass Clarinet: born after 1/1/1994
Programme: Single Test
The applicant will have to perform a freely chosen programme lasting no longer than 20 minutes with or not piano.
Admitted only original pieces. The programme will have to be stated in the application form.

Clarinet and String Quartet: born after 1/1/1994
Programme: Single Test
a – Esecuzione del seguente brano:
– C. M. von Weber      Introduzione tema e variazioni per clarinetto e quartetto d’archi

4. The candidates will have to bring the original pieces. The candidates of the categories “Junior A”, “Junior B” and Bass Clarinet will have to sent the scores of the freely chosen pieces to the secretary’s office within the time for enrolment. All the pieces have to be played in the original form; facilitations or transcriptions are not allowed. The candidates of each category that have won the first prize cannot apply for the same category in the next year.

5. During the performance the candidate will be allowed to make use of the collaboration of a pianist. The pianist who will accompany the applicant may be a choice of the candidate or put at disposal by the organization. In the first case, the competitor who participates with personal pianist will access directly to the category test.  In this second case the candidate will have to state it in the application form so that the organizers have the opportunity to work out a rehearsal schedule, and make out a money transfer together with the application fee. The rehearsal rooms with piano are for the exclusive use of the pianist who collaborate with the contest and nobody else can use them to rehearsal. The own pianist can rehearls alone for 15 minutes in a room which have to book at secretary.

6. The enrolment fees are:
€ 50,00 for the category Clarinet Soloist “Junior A”
€ 60,00 for the category Clarinet Soloist “Junior B”
€80,00 for the category Clarinet Soloist “Senior”
€70,00 for the Bass Clarinet
€80,00 for the category Clarinet and String Quartet

7. The fee for the pianist put at disposal by the organization is € 40,00 to be paid with the application fee (art. 5).

8. Fees will have to be paid by money transfer made out to Associazione Culturale Musicale “Nuova Banda di Carlino” using current account 038000063273 ABI 08637 CAB 63990 CIN R IBAN IT07R0863763990038000063273 BIC CCRTIT2T99A at PrimaCassa Credito Cooperativo Friuli Venezia Giulia in Muzzana del Turgnano. The registration fees could be refunded only for the situation   of art. 22. In order for the registration to be accepted, the transfer must be made no later than 30 September 2024, the deadline for registration, otherwise the registration will be considered void.

9. The application forms will have to:
a- Be filled in using the form enclosed to the regulations, on a photocopy of it or using the form in the web site;
b- Give all the information required in the form and add also:
– photocopy of a valid identity card – photocopy of the money transfer;
– copy of the freely chosen pieces (art. 4);

10. The application forms, filled in thoroughly and with the needed documentary evidence as written in the previous article, will have to be sent within the 30th September 2024 (the postmark will attest it), by registered letter using the following address: Associazione Culturale Musicale “Nuova Banda di Carlino” P.O.Box 1266020, 33050 Carlino Udine Italia. Within the same date the application forms can be sent to the following e- mail address:

11. It’s up to the committee board to accept or not applications sent after the above said date. The candidates can take part to more than one section, to a category superior to the one provided for the age, but not to a lower one.

12. At their arrival at Carlino all the candidates will have the chance to inform about the scheduled time for the audition, at the contest secretary’s office in Carlino Via Marano 1 (Civic Centre).

13. The candidates will have to arrive at the rehearsal in due time and with a valid identity card. The latecomers will be left out from the contest and only the committee will decide whether to admit the candidate again and anyway only when the delay is due to serious and well-grounded reasons, but on condition that the performances of the category of the latecomer are not over. The rehearsals will be open to audience.

14. The calendar of the performances will be communicated by email and published on the web site from 12nd October 2024. The candidates can ask information about that to the secretarial staff from that date.

15. All charges about travelling, board and lodging will have to be paid by the candidates. The secretarial staff will be at disposal to give the candidates all useful information about the hotels and restaurants which have an agreement with the contest.

16. The judging committee will be formed by international renowned professors. The members of the jury who have had a didactic relationship with a candidate in the previous two years will not take part in the assessment of the same. The committee, whenever necessary, will have the possibility to stop the performance or to have it repeated. The candidate will be allowed to go on playing, exceeding maximum time, within reasonable limits, if not interrupted by the committee.

17. The members of the judging committee will give their evaluation to each candidate. For the category Clarinet Soloist “Senior” the committee will choose the candidates who will take part in the semifinal phase. Will take part to the final phase of “Senior” and “Junior B” category the three candidates of each category that will get the best score, in any case with an evaluation not lower than 85/100. The score of each competitor will be given by the arithmetic average of the marks given by the single member of the committee after having taken off the highest and lowest marks. The results will be known by the applicants at the end of the performances of the whole category. If one member of the judging committee will be absent, whatever the reason may be, the Artistic Director will vote in his/her place.

18. The judging committee might also decide not to give the prizes, when, according to the members, whose judgement is not open to appeal, the artistic level is considered inadequate.

19. The prizes are the following:

20. Special Prizes:

21. The award ceremony and the final phase of the Senior category, accompanied by the FVG Orchestra, will take place in the Auditorium “San Zorz” in San Giorgio di Nogaro, Sunday 27th October 2024 at 8.30pm. The winners will only be able to collect their prizes during this final evening. Competitors awarded prizes who will not be present at the award ceremony will lose the prize.

22. The organization might also cancel the contest for the categories with an insufficient number of competitors. In that case the entrance fees of the cancelled categories would be given back to the candidates.

23. Taking part in the contest implies the complete acceptance of these regulations and also of any change that the artistic direction and the organizing staff should introduce. All the rights for any possible phonic and audiovisual recordings are reserved to the festival organization and no remuneration can be asked for that. During the performances and the closing concert, phonic and audiovisual recordings are not allowed.
You can request a copy of the video of your performance (at a cost of €15.00) from the secretariat by Sunday 27 October 2024 at 1.00 pm, specifying the category for which the video is being requested.

24. For any information the competitors can contact the secretarial office of the contest:
Telephone/Fax +39 -(0)431 68587 on Tuesday and Wednesdays from 8.00pm to 10pm from 21st August 2024.
Mobile: 334 348 8826 (Moira Moro from 5pm to 7pm).

25. During the contest at the Civic Centre in Via Marano 1, a service, provided by the firm of Ripa Music S.r.l. and fixing of instruments, will be at disposal to give assistance to reed instruments.

26. During the contest at the Civic Centre in Via Marano 1, will be prepared a clarinet exposition of Ripa Music S.r.l., Bambù Nova and Légère Reeds LTD.

27. The complete notice of the contest can be found at the following web addresses: